Mother’s Day is a significant holiday because everyone has a mother. No matter the religious or political persuasion, the entire world has a mother. Christian mothers will often defer appreciation because of their unique desire to have people focus on Jesus. They want to be appreciated in a manner that magnifies the Lord Jesus Christ.
For many churches, Mother’s Day is one of the highest attended days of the year. People are more inclined to go to church on Mother’s Day, Easter and Christmas than any other day of the year. There are some things that you can do to promote your Mother’s Day service and help increase attendance. If you don’t promote the service, you may miss out on the opportunity to minister to more people than you ever imagined.
Ideas For Your Mother’s Day Service
Before you advertise or promote your Mother’s Day service, it is important to plan something special for the mothers that attend. Planning something special will not only set your Mother’s Day service apart, but you can include your plans in your advertising to entice more people to come.
Your advertising will likely fail if there is nothing special for people to come to. Whatever your plan, it should show appreciation to mothers and worship to God. Here are some ideas to make your Mother’s Day service special for all moms.
1. Serve a Mother’s Day Breakfast
Have the men and children of the church prepare and serve breakfast for all the mothers. The men and children should also clean up the kitchen afterward. Don’t leave any work for the Mothers to do.
2. Give Each Mother a Gift
Give all the mothers in attendance a Mother’s Day gift, for example:
- a gift certificate to a Christian bookstore
- a box of chocolates
- a corsage
- a Christian Mother’s Day card
3. Get the Children Involved
Involve the children in the service by having them escort all mothers to their seats in the auditorium or distribute the gifts to all the mothers during the service.
4. Share Experiences
Invite each mother to share one of their most memorable experiences of being a mother.
5. Sing to Mothers
Sing a hymn to all the mothers. Invite them to just listen.
6. Decorate the Church
Decorate the church auditorium in such a manner as to display appreciation for mothers.
7. Use A Mother’s Day Bulletin Design
Make special bulletins that show appreciation for mothers and make sure that each mother gets one. Here is a free template for a Mother’s Day bulletin.
8. Solicit Testimonies
Solicit testimonies from the congregation, giving memories about their mothers.
9. Use Mother’s Day Worship Slides
Honor mothers during your service with beautiful Mother’s Day themed worship slides. Feel free to use the set of Mother’s Day worship slides we designed for you.

Ideas for Your Mother’s Day Service Promotion
Most advertising or promotion efforts take some money and lots of work, but don’t let this deter you. Any promotion you do gives you a better chance at a crowded auditorium at your Mother’s Day service. It is best to promote your service in multiple ways. Here are some ideas to get you started:
10. Purpose Statement
Come up with a scriptural Mother’s Day purpose statement that you can use to put on all advertisements and invitations. Make sure it is memorable so it will stick in people’s minds and they will think of you when trying to decide where to attend for Mother’s Day.
11. Mother’s Day Door Hangers
Have Mother’s Day door hangers printed up that invite people to church for your Mother’s Day service. Invite your church to help disperse them to the houses in your community. Here are some Mother’s Day door hangers you can custom order to fit your needs.
12. Mail Out Invites
Send letters or postcards to the neighborhoods surrounding your church inviting them to your Mother’s Day service.
13. Put Up Posters
Have posters printed inviting people in the community to your service. Hang them on bulletin boards at the library, grocery stores, community gathering places or anywhere else available. If possible, you can even hang posters in the local schools inviting students to bring their mothers to church for Mother’s Day. Make sure the posters are of high quality, reflecting your opinion of God and your appreciation for mothers.
14. Advertise on Local TV
If available in your area, use your local cable TV free advertisement section to invite people to church for Mother’s Day.
15. Use the Newspaper
Take out an ad in the local newspaper or in your local Coffee News page inviting people to your Mother’s Day service.
16. Use the Local Radio
Buy a cheap spot on the local radio station inviting people to bring their mothers to your Mother’s Day service.
17. Leave Invites in Motels and Restaurants
Inquire about leaving some Mother’s Day invitations and tracts at the local motels and restaurants for people to pick up as they come and go.
18. Your Church Website
Put an advertisement on your church website inviting people to Mother’s Day service.
19. Use Facebook
Put information on your Facebook page inviting people to your service. Ask your church members to like and share the post.
20. Word-of-Mouth
Ask your church members to invite their friends and family to your Mother’s Day service.
21. Get Signs
Have signs made advertising your Mother’s Day service. On the weekends leading up to Mother’s Day, recruit church members to stand on the street corners and hold up signs. Be sure to smile and wave at people driving by. It’s a good idea to have gospel tracts, and Mother’s Day invites to give to passers-by and those who want to know more.
You can also put the signs on the side of the road near your church. Make sure the signs include any information people will need to know in order to attend and an easy way they can contact you if they want to know more.