Social media has caused a fundamental shift in the way people socialize, and if churches are to impact their communities, they need to get on board. Here are 6 reasons your church should be using social media.

1. Further Reach
Using social media is not just a fad of the new generation. Anyone who wishes to socialize is “getting on the bandwagon.” According to a social media Demographic Report, “…the fastest-growing user base on social media is 65+”. Although they are the fastest-growing, they are not the most active group using social media. Mothers with children under the age of five are the most active users of social media.
The church has never had the opportunity to reach people on such a broad scale as they have today.
2. Greater Influence
Because social media allows your church to have a further reach, it also produces more participants available to your sphere of influence.
According to a report by Hootsuite and We Are Social, “There are 3.48 billion social media users in 2019, with the worldwide total growing by 288 million (9 percent) since this time last year.
This means that today a church can reach out to an expanded area of influence. Never has the world been closer together than they are now.
Instead of getting more difficult to spread the gospel, it is getting easier. If you incorporate the use of social media into your plan to reach the world, then you can do more than ever.
3. The Opportunity to Disciple
No matter how much the pastor hopes otherwise, a large percentage of people only come on Sundays. They miss the great benefits of mid-week training and fellowship, which is vital to their growth.
Social media allows a pastor to disciple in an environment more suitable to their congregation. With a little stroke of the key, you can teach them wherever they are.
4. Stay Connected
Social media aids in developing lifelong friendships among the brethren. This is the foundation of unity, and a unified church can accomplish greater things than a divided church.
Before the internet came to be, you either had to mail a card, call on the telephone or make a personal visit if you wanted to connect with others.
I remember my pastor taking boxes of pre-sorted outgoing letters to the Post Office. Now, with the press of a few keys on his smartphone, he can accomplish the same thing and more. Social media is one of the best tools to use today to stay connected with your flock.
5. Passing on Information
Sometimes it is necessary to pass on information to the flock. Perhaps there is a storm coming and the church will be closed.
Perhaps there is a death in the church and the members need to know to pray for their brethren. Social media is the best way to reach many people quickly. One post on Facebook allows you to reach all your followers instantly.
6. Show What Your Ministry is About
Social media gives people the ability to learn about you before ever stepping one foot into your building. Putting information about your organization on social media sites will give the public an idea of who you are and what you are all about. It gives them something to work with. Just remember that “First impressions are lasting impressions.”