How To:
- Step 1. Benefits of a Campaign
- Step 2. The Specifics
- Step 3. A Compelling Message
- Step 4. Timeliness
- Step 5. Giving Methods
- Step 6. Christmas Offering Envelopes (free templates)

The Benefit of a Giving Campaign
A giving campaign can be beneficial to your church because it:- points out an area of need
- shows the community that you care
- lets people know there is something exciting happening at your church
The campaign will also show the community that you are a caring church that is willing to meet the needs of others. “Actions speak louder than words,” and “Say what you mean, and mean what you say” are two quotes that come to mind here. The campaign will be proof that you are a church who cares, and you are doing something about it. A church that does not care, does nothing.
After seeing what is going on, and that you are not a stagnate church with no ambition, people will want to join you and be a part of it all. Your church may grow just because of your Christmas giving campaign.
Decide the Specifics of Your Christmas Giving Campaign
The first step in planning a giving campaign is deciding what you want to raise the money for. When people donate, they want to know where their money is going, and what will be accomplished with it. Do you want to raise money to pay off the church mortgage, donate a large sum to a local charity, or to provide medical supplies to a small village in Mozambique? Decide on the purpose of the funds. Next, you should set a goal for how much money you want to bring in.Write Your Campaign Message
You should have a clear enough picture of your campaign to be able to get your point across quickly. Write a short pitch that will entice people to give to your cause. This can be used when you share your campaign from the pulpit, on social media, or printed on fliers to be passed out in the community.Then write a longer article for those who want to know more, and put it on your website. The article can also be shared on social media.
Plan Your Campaign Promotion Ahead of Time
The more of your plan you have in place and ready to go ahead of time, the better your promotion will be. This gives people plenty of time to decide what they want to give. Write several articles that promote your campaign, and plan a schedule to post them. Make sure to share it on social media so church members can share it too. For maximum effect, article and other information about your campaign should be:- Front and center on your website
- Emailed to your email list
- Printed on materials to distribute in the community (fliers, door hangers, etc.
Set Up Multiple Ways to Donate
The easier it is for people to give, the more likely you are to raise the funds you need. Make it so easy they can’t say “no.” Set up ways to give on the your website, links in social media, and of course, right in the church pew. Here are some ways you should take advantage of:- Credit cards
- PayPal
- Special Offering Envelopes