- 1. Do Away with the Easter Bunny
- 2. Turn Eggs into An Illustraition of God
- 3. Turn Easter Candy into Corruption
- 4. Turn the Resurrection into Salvation
- 5. Put Christ Back into Your Easter
The Easter holiday is the celebration of the miraculous resurrection of Christ. It is a sad thing that we must learn how to have a Christ-centered Easter, for there would be no Easter without Christ. Somewhere along the way, history has morphed the celebration into the worship of an Easter Bunny and the collection of his eggs. No rabbit has ever laid colored eggs or left an Easter basket for someone to find.
How did we let this mass deception invade our society and affect our children so much? It may be fun for children but, it is all fantasy! Not only that, but consider the damage done to them by not teaching them the truth. It ruins their chance for Salvation.

Who is it that would like to damn our children into thinking about rabbits, candy and eggs rather than the resurrection of the one and only true God? I don’t think it was the church. I don’t think it was Christians. I’m sure that you can surmise who would be behind such an evil work.
Because the devil has so much influence to deceive, even many Christians think it is a tragedy if they don’t allow their children to take part in an Easter egg hunt or get an Easter basket. Think about the long-term effect this has upon children and how it turns them from God.
1. Do Away with the Easter Bunny
The first thing that must be done to put Christ back into the center of Easter worship is to do away with the old things that cause Christ to be undermined. That is to say the Easter basket, egg hunting, and coloring, and the bunny must be removed.

Before you can teach anything that is correct to a person, you must first erase the chalkboard. You must remove the old before you can put in the new. To have your life filled with Christ you must put off the old man before you can put on the new man. (Ephesians 4:22-24) Therefore, to put Christ back into Easter you must first remove the falsehoods which take away from the Lord Jesus Christ. Only then will He be prevalent.
Out with the Old, in with the New
If you’ve been coloring eggs, you need to stop coloring eggs before you can elevate the resurrection. If you have been taking your children to egg hunts, you need to stop taking them before you can start taking them to events that worship and celebrate Christ. If you have been giving your children Easter baskets, then you must stop before you can start giving them something else to replace it. Not to say that children cannot have fun and learn something. Children can enjoy Easter, have fun, and learn the truth about Easter as well!
All the new activities should be connected to the resurrection theme. Does the resurrection seem to be a bad thing? I think not! The resurrection is a very good thing, for it is the hope of all Christianity.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, we also have the opportunity to raise from the dead and have a new life. This is the gift that God has given us which is spoken about in Romans 6:23. Why should we hide it? Why should we mask it? Why should we replace it with something that is a lie? Why would we possibly want to teach our children a lie when the truth is so great?
2. Turn Eggs into An Illustration of God

God made eggs as a way of reproduction in fowl and fish. Some eggs are edible and delicious to humans. Eggs have no special power, whether they have been colored or not. You can, however, use an egg to teach a biblical principle. You can use an egg to teach about God.
It is amazing that eggs are made up of 3 different parts. They have the white, the yolk, and the shell. All 3 are separate and distinct parts, but all three are parts of the one egg.
There is only one God represented in 3 different parts: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The yolk could represent the Father, the white the Son, and the shell can be representative of the Holy Spirit which surrounds them. As you’re talking about eggs to your children at Easter time, use this as an object lesson to teach them about the Trinity as well as the purity of God.
Related Article: 15 Crazy Good Ideas to Put Christ Back into Your Easter
3. Turn Easter Candy into Corruption
The longer I live the more it seems that the things that taste good are the things that are bad for our bodies, while the things that taste bad seem to be very good for our bodies. I remember in the old days when my mom would give me a teaspoon of Cod liver oil for the ailments of the stomach. Have you ever tasted Cod liver oil? If you have you know as well as I that it does not taste very good at all! I always dreaded when mom said I had to get a tablespoon of it. However, if it tasted like a peppermint candy I wouldn’t have minded getting a tablespoon of it at all. This is one of the many examples showing that foods that seem to be good for our bodies taste bad and things that seem to be bad for our bodies taste good.
Sugar Corrupts
One of the things that makes food tasty to the human tongue is sugar. Sugar is bad for our bodies, bad for our teeth, and bad for our digestive tract. It’s just all-around bad. Outside of the body sugar is also a corrosive substance. The benefit of sugar has is that it is a substance that will corrupt things.

The Devil Corrupts
Just like sugar corrupts our bodies, a sweet sugary ideal or message can corrupt our minds just as well. Many parents would like to give their children candy. That is much like people who want to allow their children to experience all the things of life.
Just as the egg can be used as an object lesson to teach the Trinity of God, candy can be used to teach about the corruptness of the devil. He like a wolf in sheep’s clothing seeks to devour, just like sugar will devour. Children need to know that the devil could not get victory over the Lord Jesus Christ. When he was crucified on the cross and put into the tomb the Lord Jesus Christ was not held down by the earth of corruption. His body did not go the way of corruption. His body had victory over corruption and he rose again the 3rd day.
Each time you give your child a little sweet during the Easter holiday you can explain to them how candy is representative of the corruption that was supposed to be on Jesus’s body by showing them how Jesus’ death is a sweet thing to the devil. But to us, the sweeter thing is that he rose again from the dead.
4. Turn the Resurrection into Salvation
The story of the resurrection is often preceded by showing how Jesus was abused, tortured and suffered an undeserved death on the cross. But that is not what the joy of Easter comes from. The Easter holiday does not really concern the Lord’s death, torture, and misrepresentation. The holiday surrounds the resurrection of Christ. It is important to understand how his death came about but that’s another story. Easter is about victory over death!

There is no greater message that a person can receive than you can live again because Jesus did. So when you are teaching your children about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, you can also apply it to the Salvation that a person experiences by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. When God says that we can become a new man or new person he illustrates it by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus came back from the dead living a new life. As a Christian, you can too! When you get saved it is just like you have become a new man. Translate the resurrection story into a story that allows you to explain Salvation to your children and you invite them to take it.
5. Put Christ Back into Your Easter
There are many ways to put Christ back into Easter, even in secular activities. However, there is no better way than explaining Easter using the Bible. Similar to the colors of the wordless book, you can illustrate the true story of Easter. Tell them what the colors represent. Tell them what the event represents.

The devil has tried to corrupt all of them in a failed fantasy that has spread across humanity like a wild plague. It perpetuates because parents don’t want their children to be left out. So to keep their children from being left out of Easter activities they leave out glorifications of the resurrection. You are going to have to leave the Easter bunny out or you are going to have to leave Jesus out. They are so opposite of each other that, like oil and water, they can never mix. Which one do you choose?