Christmas is a great time to give back to God. Make this Christmas season a special one by creating your own Christmas offering envelope for your church. Follow this tutorial to recreate the one we made, or use these steps to make a design of your very own. Happy designing!
10 Places to Get Free Photos, Graphics, Illustrations, and Clipart for Your Church
Using visuals in communication has been around since the beginning. We see visuals used in the Bible when God communicated with man. Animal skin to cover Adam and Eve, the burning bush, the serpent on the pole, the pillar of fire and a pillar of smoke, to name a few. Even Jesus used visual aids […]
Mother’s Day: 6 Steps to a Great Mother’s Day Service
Mother’s day is the third highest attended service of the year for many churches. Men, women, and children who do not regularly attend services will honor their mother by attending church with her on Mother’s Day. This makes Mother’s Day a great opportunity to plan a special service or event to draw the community to […]
Easter: 7 Ways to Prepare Your Church For Easter
1. Easter Outreach 2. Church Promotion/Marketing 3. Clean up the Grounds and Building 4. Prepare Your Greeter Ministry 5. Order Materials 6. Decorate 7. Prepare an Easter Sermon Every church celebrates Easter a little differently. While some may host an Easter egg hunt, others decide to put on an Easter play. No matter what your […]
Easter Sermon Preparation: 9 Inspiring Easter Sermons
Your Easter sermon is an important part of your Easter preparations. For many churches, Easter is the highest attended service of the year. According to an article from Pew Research Center, “More Americans search [the internet] for “church” around Easter than at any other time…” With the potential of a large attendance, and more unsaved […]
Easter Outreach: 7 Crazy Good Easter Outreach Ideas
1. Consider Your Use of Imagery 2. Go Door-to-Door Dressed as the Easter Bunny 3. Plan an Easter Fun Day for Kids 4. Make Easter Goodie Baskets 5. Host an Easter Family Luncheon 6. Host an Easter Egg Hunt 7. Share a Video of Your Easter Event Easter is an important day for those who […]