When you are finished with this article, you will be able to easily design your own offering envelopes in Word. Then you can either print them yourself on your desktop printer or submit your design to a print shop for printing. Step 1. Create a New Document Step 2. Set the Margins Step 3. Decide […]
7 Ideas to Get Your Church Outreach Off to a Great Start This Summer
Summer is here! With the warmer weather and more daylight hours at your disposal, summer is a great time to vamp up your church outreach efforts. We would like to share with you 7 great ideas to help you be more effective in your church outreach ministry. 1. Use Door Hangers 2. Use Tracts 3. […]
7 Great Mother’s Day Ideas for Your Church
Mother’s Day is almost here! Have you made all the plans for your Mother’s Day service? If not, no worries, we are here to help! We want to share a few helpful tips & ideas we have collected for a great Mother’s Day service. Tip 1. Get the Word Out Now Tip 2. Bulletin Covers, […]
Christmas Giving Campaign: How to Plan, Promote, and Execute
Out of thankfulness for the birth of our Lord Jesus, the Christmas season is a time of giving. Christmas is marked with cheerful moods, warm hearts, and open wallets. During this time, people have exceptionally giving hearts, and that makes it a great time to raise money for a special cause. Here we will give […]
Offering Envelopes: How to Design Your Own
Your offering envelopes say a lot about your church. Whether or not the impression people get from your offering envelope is true, it is telling them something. If your offering envelope design is outdated you may be giving the impression that you are an old and outdated church. On the other hand, a well designed and […]