1. Set the Size for an Offering Envelope 2. Add Your Image 3. Add Your First Text Box 4. Add an Information Form 5. Label Elements in the Selection Pane 6. Align and Distribute the Text Boxes 7. Add Lines to Your … [Continue reading]
Serving the LORD by serving YOU.
by Sally Coale
1. Set the Size for an Offering Envelope 2. Add Your Image 3. Add Your First Text Box 4. Add an Information Form 5. Label Elements in the Selection Pane 6. Align and Distribute the Text Boxes 7. Add Lines to Your … [Continue reading]
by Sally Coale
Using visuals in communication has been around since the beginning. We see visuals used in the Bible when God communicated with man. Animal skin to cover Adam and Eve, the burning bush, the serpent on the pole, the pillar of fire and a pillar of … [Continue reading]
by Ron Coale
Good communication is essential for living a good life. Our complex form of communication allows humans to convey complex ideas, but it also allows for many areas of misinterpretation. You can be vague in your communication, even though you may have … [Continue reading]
by Sally Coale
Mother's day is the third highest attended service of the year for many churches. Men, women, and children who do not regularly attend services will honor their mother by attending church with her on Mother's Day. This makes Mother's Day a great … [Continue reading]
by Sally Coale
1. Easter Outreach 2. Church Promotion/Marketing 3. Clean up the Grounds and Building 4. Prepare Your Greeter Ministry 5. Order Materials 6. Decorate 7. Prepare an Easter Sermon Every church celebrates … [Continue reading]
by Ron Coale
It is okay to get inspiration from another pastor’s sermon to convey the message that God lays on your heart. Since there is nothing new under the sun, there is not a message that has not been duplicated somewhere along the line. So, if God has given … [Continue reading]